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Legacy Terminal User Guide
How do I process a Sale transaction?To Process a card-not-present Sale transaction from the Virtual Terminal, follow a few steps: 1. From the left-side menu select Virtual Terminal 2. From the drop-down menu near the top, select Sale 3. Enter the amount you wish to charge 4. Enter the card number, expiration date and CVV if required 5. Enter any additional details as needed (tax, shipping, name, billing details, etc) 6. At the bottom of the page click Submit 7. The Transaction Detail page will display, confirm the authorization response is Approved
What are the username and password requirements?Username - Must be a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 51 characters.There are no special requirements for uppercase, lowercase, numeric or specialcharacters. The Username must be unique and only used once in the sandbox URL but can beused again in the production URL. Meaning, if Merchant A assigned a username oftjones to one of their users in the sandbox, tjones can be used again in production (if itdoesn't already exist). Password - Must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 64 characters. Thepassword must include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1special character. The only special characters accepted are: ! @ # $ % ^ & *
How do I update a User profile?You can update your user profile from within the Merchant Control Panel by following afew simple steps: To update your own user profile: 1. In the top-right corner click the dropdown arrow 2. Select Manage Account 3. Edit as needed 4. Click Update Account To update another user's profile: 1. Click Manage in the Left margin 2. Click Users 3. In the user list, click on the 'pencil icon' next to the user in question 4. Edit as needed 5. Click Update
How do I view my transactions?There are 2 ways you can easily view your transactions by following these steps: 1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel. 2. Click Transactions in the Left margin under Reporting. 3. From the Transaction Search, you can search by several different variables,including a date range, billing information or shipping information. 4. In the Search Results, click on the ‘info’ icon for the transaction you want to view. You can also view your transactions another way: 1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel. 2. Click Settlements in the Left margin under Reporting. 3. From the Settlement Search, you can search by Settlement Batch ID or by theBatch Date. NOTE: In the Search Results, you will first see a list of Batch Settlements,when you scroll down, you will also see detailed Batch Settlement results where you can view transactions for that specific batch settlement. 4. Click on the ‘magnifying glass’ icon to view transactions for that specific batch settlement. 5. In the Search Results, click on the ‘info’ icon for the transaction you want to view.
How do I void a transaction?You can Void a transaction that has not yet Settled. 1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel. 2. Click Transactions in the Left margin under Reporting. 3. From the Transaction Search, you can search by several different variables,including a date range, billing information or shipping information. 4. In the Search Results, click on the ‘info’ icon for the transaction you want to view. 5. From the Transaction Details for the transaction you selected, click Void and aVoid Window appears. 6. Click Process.
How do I process a sale transaction?To Process a card-not-present Sale transaction from the Virtual Terminal, follow a few steps: 1. From the left-side menu select Virtual Terminal 2. From the drop-down menu near the top, select Sale 3. Enter the amount you wish to charge 4. Enter the card number, expiration date and CVV if required 5. Enter any additional details as needed (tax, shipping, name, billing details, etc) 6. At the bottom of the page click Submit 7. The Transaction Detail page will display, confirm the authorization response isApproved
How do I refund a credit card or ACH bank account?You can issue a Refund when the transaction has been Settled. The Refund can be processed from your Merchant Control Panel. 1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel. 2. Click Transactions in the Left margin under Reporting. 3. From the Transaction Search, you can search by several different variables,including date range, billing information or shipping information. 4. In the Search Results, click on the ‘info’ icon for the transaction you want to view. 5. In the Transaction Details, click on the Refund Button and a Refund Window appears. 6. Enter the Refund Amount (the full amount of the transaction automatically appears in the dollar amount box, but can be overwritten to any amount, not exceeding the full amount). 7. Click Process
How can I print a batch settlement report?You can Download a CSV file and print the settlement report from the Merchant Control Panel. 1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel 2. Click Settlement under Reporting in the Left margin 3. Enter the Settlement Batch ID (if you know it), or enter the Batch Date Range 4. Click Search button 5. Scroll down to the Settlements below the report and click the ‘magnifying glass’icon for the settlement you want to view/print 6. From there, download the report by clicking on the blue button at the bottom of the page Download as CSV 7. Open the file; print it, or save it
How do I add a customer to the Customer Vault, and how can I utilize the stored information?"The Customer Vault solution allows your business to securely store your customers billing details within the gateway. You can create custom records via the merchant control panel or via the API, for both credit cards and ACH transactions. From the merchant control panel, follow a few steps: 1. Select Customer Vault 2. Click Create 3. Fill in the fields as needed The Customer Vault solution allows your business to securely store your customersbilling details within the gateway. You can create custom records via the merchant control panel or via the API, for both credit cards and ACH transactions.rchant control panel or via the API. 1. From the merchant control panel: 2. Select Customer Vault 3. Customer search 4. Locate the intended customer 5. Click on the ‘info’ icon next to the payment method From here you can add a subscription or use the ‘charge’ button to run a transaction. You can also add additional payment methods. Note: It is against PCI compliance for the gateway to store a credit card's CVC. Whenyou are utilizing the customer vault and storing your customers credit card info, the CVCis not needed.If you have CVC set as a ‘required field’ on the gateway, any transactions that run usingthe Customer ID will skip over the CVC requirement and process as normal.
How do I set up recurring subscriptions?For starters, you must create customers with payment methods in the Customer Vaultbefore you can use recurring billing. Next, you must create a recurring billing plan. Plans can be created in the MerchantControl Panel or via the API. From the merchant control panel follow a few steps: 1. From the left side menu select Recurring 2. Select Plans 3. Create New Plan In addition, you may choose to create Add-ons and Discounts. Add-ons and Discounts can be applied manually on a case-by-case basis, or you can associate them with certain plans to apply them automatically to new subscriptions. When creating a subscription, it will automatically inherit any add-ons and/or discounts associated with the plan. You can also override those details at the time you create or update the subscription. Finally, you will add a subscription to your customer's payment method within the Customer Vault and recurring subscriptions will become active immediately on the designated start date of the subscription. Just follow a few steps: 1. Select Customer Vault 2. Customer Search 3. Locate the intended customer 4. Click on the ‘info’ icon next to the payment method 5. Select the Subscriptions tab 6. Create New Subscription Note: if there is more than 1 payment method tied to a customer in the Vault, subscriptions will run against whichever method is set as the default.
Process Transaction1a) Overview The Process transaction tab allows you to process card or ACH (check) transactions by keying in a customer’s payment information. It also allows you to take additional actions associated with transactions, such as setting up recurring payments, adding a surcharge or tax, saving a customer profile and more. 1b) Processing a credit card transaction Navigate to the Process Transaction tab on the left panel. Enter the customer name, name on card, and card details if this a new customer. If this is for an existing customer, start typing to receive system matches. Enter an amount. Navigate to the bottom right corner of the page and click Process Transaction. TIP! For a customer with more than one stored credit card, click on the down arrow to the right of the Card Number field to choose between different cards. 1c) Processing an ACH/Check transaction Click on the Check tab at the top of the page. Enter customer and check details as instructed for a card transaction. Click Process Transaction at the bottom right corner of the page. 1d) Additional transaction data You can add additional information to a transaction, such as billing and shipping information by clicking on the Billing and Shipping Info banner. You can also add transaction details such as Invoice Number, PO Number and Description by clicking on the Transaction Details banner. To create additional discretionary data fields, navigate to the Control Panel tab on the left panel, click on Custom Fields, and create up to 20 custom data fields with labels. Click Save. These fields will now appear under the Custom fields banner on the Process Transaction tab. TIP! You can customize the Process Transaction page in regards to which fields to display, require or hide by clicking on the Settings button on the top right corner of the page.
Voiding/Refunding/Queuing/Recharging a transaction2a) Overview: There are a number of actions you can take post-transaction (meaning once you have already run a transaction), such as voiding, queuing, refunding and recharging. Some of these can only be done as long as the batch has not yet settled or closed. 2b) Voiding/Refunding a transaction: You can only void a transaction as long as the batch has not closed. Once the batch has closed, you can only refund the transaction. To void or refund a transaction, navigate to the Reports tab on the left panel. Locate the transaction you wish to void/refund. Click on the eyeball icon next to the transaction details. Choose the red void icon to void the transaction. For a transaction that has already settled, click on the yellow refund icon. Enter the amount you want to refund. Click Refund. 2c) Queuing a transaction: As long as a transaction has not settled, you can also queue the charge. (This is useful if you ran a transaction but are not yet ready to ship the product or provide the service and do not want the money removed from the customers account until a later date.) Queuing a transaction will change its status to an authorized only transaction. To queue a transaction, navigate to the Batches tab on the left panel. Locate the transaction you wish to queue. Click the red queue icon. Once queued, a transaction will sit in the Queued tab until you either void or capture the charge. Capturing a transaction will return the transaction to the batch, and it will settle when the batches closes. If you do neither, it will expire after a pre-determined number of days. 2d) Recharging a transaction: To recharge a transaction, navigate to the Reports tab on the left panel. Locate the transaction you wish to recharge. Click on the eyeball icon next to the transaction details. Choose the blue recharge icon to the recharge the transaction. TIP! You can set the number of days a queued transaction will exist before expiring in your Control Panel> General> Batch Settings.
Batches3a) Overview: The Batches tab allows you to view the current batch and earlier batches, as well as allowing you to manually close a batch, export batch reports, and view Queued (authorized) transactions. It is also where the Batch Upload feature resides. 3b) Batch Closures: You can set when your batches should close in your Control Panel> General> Batch Settings. You can set multiple batch closures daily. You can also manually close a batch at any time, by clicking on the Close Batch button in the bottom right corner of the Batches screen. 3c) Queued Transactions: To view your queued transactions, navigate to the Batches tab on the left panel and click on the Queued tab at the top of the Batches tab screen. (For help on what queueing a transaction means and on how to queue transactions, please refer to section 2C) Queuing a transaction.) You can void, recharge or capture a transaction by clicking on the appropriate Actions icon buttons on the right-hand side of each transaction. Capturing a transaction will include it in the current batch and it will settle whenever the batch closes. 3d) Batch Uploads: Batch uploads allows you to upload a csv file to the gateway with multiple transaction details, such as customer name and card or ACH details, and run then all automatically instead of manually processing each transaction separately. To upload a card batch, navigate to the Batches tab on the left panel, and click on the Batch Upload button in the top right corner of the page. A pop-up will give you the option of Download card template with the required headers: Amount, Card Number, Expire Year, Expire Month and additional optional columns of data. Once you have filled a csv with your card transactions, you can upload it to the gateway by clicking on the Upload csv button. Click Process Transactions and the gateway will automatically process all transactions. You can view details and statues of transactions in the Reports tab, as you would for regularly processed transactions. To upload a batch of ACH/Check transactions, navigate to the Batches tab on the left panel, and click on the Checks tab at the top of the page, and follow further instructions as detailed for a card batch upload. The required headers for a check upload are: Amount, Account Number, Account Type, Routing Number, SEC Code, and Name. TIP! Please check Velocity control settings, located in the Fraud Modules, to ensure it can handle this upload. Too many transactions may trigger the gateway to block transactions, believing that card testing is at play, so ensure the parameters that
Recurring and Scheduled Payments4A) Overview: Recurring payments allows you to setup a schedule for transactions to run on their own according to a set schedule and frequency. You can always edit or modify a schedule at any time. 4B) Creating a Recurring/Scheduled Payment: To create a recurring or scheduled payment, navigate to the Process Transaction tab in the left panel. Enter the customer and card or check details as instructed in Processing a transaction (1A). Scroll down and click on the banner labeled Recurring Payment. Check the Create recurring schedule checkbox. Enter a title for this schedule. Enter a set number of times this transaction should run, or mark it ongoing until you turn it off. Choose when this schedule should begin. Finally, choose a frequency for this schedule. Click Process Transaction. TIP! If you chose a future date for the First Run, the transaction will NOT process when you click Process Transaction. It will process on the date of the specified First Run. TIP! If you chose a future date for the First Run, a checkbox will offer you the option of processing a transaction today IN ADDITION to the number of transactions in the schedule. 4c) Modifying a Recurring/Scheduled Payment: To change the details of a recurring schedule, navigate to the Recurring tab on the left panel. Locate the schedule you wish to edit. Click on the eyeball icon next to the transaction details. Edit schedule as desired. Click Update. TIP! Bi-weekly will process once every two weeks. Similarly, bi-monthly will process once every two months.
Invoicing5a) Overview: The Invoicing tool allows you to send an email or text message directly from the virtual terminal to your customer. The email contains a pdf attachment with the invoice details you entered, and both the email and text message will contain a secure link to a payment form. The payment form will display your invoice as well as payment fields that allow the customer to enter card or ACH details, electronically sign, and pay the invoice. As part of the invoicing tool, the products tab gives you the ability to store products or services with set descriptions, prices etc., so you can easily add items to your invoices. 5b) Designing your invoice: Before creating an invoice, navigate to the Control Panel tab on the left panel. Click on Invoicing. Upload the logo, company info, and terms you would like your invoices to display. You can also set custom notifications so your customers will be notified via email prior, on, and/or after the due date. In addition, you can default a tax amount and surcharge to be applied to each invoice. 5c) Creating and sending an invoice: The invoicing tool allows you to send an email or text message to a customer that contains a link to a payment form where the customer will view the invoice and enter a credit card or check to pay the invoice. To create an invoice, navigate to the Invoices tab on the left panel. Click on the New Invoice button in the top right corner of the page Enter a customer and any additional information you wish to include. Scroll down and click on Add Lines. Add an existing product (see section 5C), or enter a new product details. You can apply a tax, surcharge or discount. Then, click Send at the bottom of the page to send the invoice now. Once you click Send, a window will pop up that will allow you to enter additional email addresses, customize the subject line and content, and attach files to the invoice. Click Send Invoice at the bottom of the pop-up window. TIP! If you add an additional email address or cell phone numbers, press enter after typing it so the address/number is saved. TIP! By default, every invoice comes with a pdf file attachment of the invoice unless you un-check the “Attach system pdf checkbox”. The Add File button allows you to add additional attachments. 5d) Post-invoicing actions: There are a number of options available once an invoice is sent. In the Invoices tab on the left panel, there is a listing of all sent invoices. On the right side of each invoice (under Actions), appear up to four actions. If you choose the Cash option, you can opt to only enter a partial amount and mark the invoice as partially paid. The cancel icon disables the link in the email invoice sent to the customer, effectively cancelling the invoice. The delete icon deletes the invoice entirely (automatically disabling the link as well). 5e) Products and Inventory: You can create and store products to easily recall and add them to an invoice. Navigate to the Invoices tab on your left panel. Click on the Products button at the top right corner of the page. You can create categories and sub-categories before creating products. Enter as many details as you wish for this product. Click Create Product at the bottom of the page.
Customers6a) Overview: The Customers tab on is where your customers and all their information, including payment methods, are securely stored. Creating and storing customers allows you to select existing customers when processing transactions, creating an invoice etc., so that all relevant details are pre-filled. It also allows you to easily view and manage all transaction history and additional details on specific customers. 6b) Storing Customer Information: The Customers tab on the left panel is where your customers and their information, including payment methods, are securely stored. For each stored customer, there are 5 tabs: Info, Wallet, History, Recurring and Invoicing. Info stores general contact, shipping and billing information. Wallet stores this customers’ payment methods. Once a credit card or ACH is entered and saved, only the last four digits are visible. History records transaction history of this customer. Invoicing records all invoices sent to this customer. Recurring records all recurring schedules associated with this customer. You can also turn a recurring schedule on or off from this tab. TIP! Under the Wallet tab, you can choose to see transaction history of a specific card or check by clicking on the payment method and then on the History button. 6c) Creating a new customer When processing a transaction: When processing a transaction for a new customer, enter the customer name, name on card, and card details. Click the Create a new customer checkbox at the bottom of the page. Click Process Transaction. The transaction will be processed and the customer profile will be automatically saved in the Customer vault. Without processing a transaction: Navigate to the Customers tab in the left panel. Click on the Create New button in the upper right corner. Enter customer details. Click Complete. Next, locate the customer you just created. Click on the Wallet tab. Click on the Add button on the far-right side of the page. Fill in the credit card or check details. Click Add Payment Method. TIP! Once a customer is saved, it will automatically populate all customer and transaction fields when you begin typing the customer’s name. 6d) Creating a customer post-transaction: If a transaction was processed without the customer profile being saved (e.g., the Create a new customer checkbox at the bottom of the page was not checked, or the transaction was processed outside of the virtual terminal), you can create a customer profile off of the transaction. Locate the transaction processed for this customer in the Reports tab on the left panel. Click on the eyeball icon next to the transaction details. Click on the Create Customer button. TIP! When using Excel to create or edit the csv file, ensure all cells are formatted as text. The default formatting can cause data to become corrupted. Upload does not include payment data such as credit card numbers, only customer information.
Reports7aA) Overview: The Reports tab is where you can view a database of all transactions in a user-friendly format. With multiple search and filter options, you can easily find the transaction(s) you are looking for. You can also download, print and email custom reports at any time. 7b) Search and Filter Reports: The Reports tab on the left panel is a comprehensive database of all transactions that were ever processed through this gateway account, regardless if they were processed within the virtual terminal or through an outside source (such as a payment page, website or software integration or plugin). To locate specific transactions, navigate to the Reports tab on the left panel. Use one of the 5 filters (Status, Transaction Type, Payment Type, Processors and Date range) to filter results, or the search bar to locate the transaction using specific details, such as customer name or the last four digits of the card or check. You can also use the “Group By” filter to group transactions by one of the following: Date, Batch, Source and Card Type. When using this filter, you will be given the option to display a summary of transactions. You can customize the amount of information to be displayed for each transaction by choosing the number of columns to be displayed in reports. Click on the Columns button on the right side of the screen and select the columns you want displayed. The ••• button allows you to save a default number of columns or reset to the default number of columns. 7c) Exporting Reports: You can export a custom report at any time by emailing, printing or downloading reports. To email reports click on the purple email icon on the right side of your screen. To print reports, click on the yellow print icon. To download reports, click on the purple Export button. The export will only contain the columns of data you selected to display in your reports. 7d) Multi-MID Reporting: If you are a user with access to more than one MID or merchant account, you can view consolidated reports from within one account without having to visit each MID separately. In you Reports tab on the left panel, in the right side of the screen, click on the purple Select Merchants button. Select the MIDs from which you wish to see transactions. Downloaded reports will include transactions from all selected MIDs. TIP! One user, or multiple users, can be given access to multiple MIDs or merchant accounts with just one set of credentials. Ask your MSP for assistance on this.
Fraud Center8a) Overview: Your Fraud Center is home to the most advanced fraud protection tools in the payment industry. Each of the ten modules allows you to set certain parameters and rules that control which transactions are accepted in your account, restricting potentially fraudulent transactions. You can set Fraud controls under Universal Fraud Modules, and these controls will affect all sources of payments connected to this merchant account. Or, you can set fraud controls on specific sources, such as on payments coming from a shopping cart, and these controls will not affect other sources (such as a transaction processed within the virtual terminal) 8b) AVS Response: The AVS Response module allows you to choose which transactions to accept or decline based on the Address Verification System response. Check the responses that you will allow, all others will be declined. Cardholders will be able to see the authorization, and merchants can choose to unblock them until the batch closes. Once the batch closes, blocked transactions will be voided. 8c) BIN Blocker: This module allows you to block transactions based on the first 6 digits of the card number, known as the BIN. You can block cards by BIN (411111) or BIN range (411111-422222) This module also allows you to block cards by type: Credit, Debit, Prepaid. This check is done prior to authorization by using the BIN. You can limit these blocks to just Visa or just Mastercard. You can also use this module to entirely block Visa, Mastercard, Discover and/or Amex. 8d) Country Blocker: This module blocks or allows transactions based on which country they originate from. The location of the customer can be determined by their IP address, which is checked against our GeoIP database, or by using the submitted billing or shipping country. To use this module with Client IP, billing address, or shipping address, your shopping cart or integration must pass the correct data to the gateway. 8e) CVV response: This module allows you to select which transactions to accept or decline based on the result of the card ID verification (CVV2, CID, etc.). Check off the responses that you will accept. All others will be declined. Cardholders will be able to see the authorization, and merchants can choose to unblock them until the batch closes. Once the batch closes, blocked transactions will be voided. 8f) Duplicate Detection: This module detects and blocks duplicate transactions. The system uses the full card number, transaction amount and the source to determine if a duplicate transaction has been submitted. You must specify the length of time (in minutes) that the system will look back for a duplicate transaction. This module only takes effect after the original transaction has completed. This is useful primarily in ecommerce/website applications, and addresses the scenario in which a customer mistakenly clicks on the process order button more than once for the same order. 8g) Email Blocker and IP Blocker: The Email Blocker blocks transactions coming from free webmail servers such as Hotmail and Yahoo. It can also be configured to allow or block specific email addresses or domains. The IP Blocker module will block transactions based on a single IP address (e.g., a range of IPs (e.g., or wildcards (e.g. 192.168.*.*). To use the Client IP options, your shopping cart software must pass the client IP correctly. To check if your cart is passing the client IP, view the details on a transaction. If an IP is listed next to "Client IP" then you will be able to use this module. 8h) Velocity Control: Velocity Control allows you to instruct the gateway to block transactions when more than a specified number of transactions are attempted within the specified time frame. This can be useful for preventing your merchant account from being used to test stolen account data, usually through a website or checkout page that is unprotected with a captcha tool. To use Client IP, you must ensure that your software is passing the customer's IP address to the gateway. By default, every merchant account automatically has a Velocity Control module deployed at 500 transactions within 30 minutes, effectively blocking card testing transactions that exceeds these boundaries. 8i) Transaction Amount: This module restricts transaction amounts to a specific range. Any transaction amounts that are not within the defined range are blocked. If you only want to specify a minimum but no maximum, enter a * in the maximum field. Likewise, if you only want to specify a maximum but no minimum, enter a * in the minimum field.
User Access9a) Overview: In the Control Panel tab on the left panel, the Users tab allows you to control user access for this virtual terminal. 9b) Adding new users: To add users to an account, click on the Create new button on the top right corner of the page. Enter a username (usernames are case sensitive), a first and last name, an email address and a start page (the page the user will see when they log in). You can enter an IP address to limit this user to logging in from specific IP address(es) only, such as the office computer. Then, choose if you want this user to be a master user, with full permissions and access, or leave this user as a non-master user and select the permissions you want to grant this user. Click Save. The user email address will receive an email with a link to the virtual terminal along with a username and temporary password. TIP! If a new user claims not to have received an email, please have them check additional folders such as spam, junk, promotions etc. 9c) Limited permission users: There are different levels of permission and access you can grant a specific user, and they can be limited to certain features. E.g., you can grant a user full permission for processing a transaction, but still block access from the invoicing tool. For the Dashboard Quick Sale, Recurring Billing, Fraud Center, Control Panel and Reports, there are two options: View only and Full access. Full access gives the user full permissions on these tabs/features, while view only allows them to see the page and displayed information, but blocks them from affecting any changes or taking any actions. For the Invoices and Customers sections, there is an additional option: Limited Access. Limited Access means that only the user which created this customer or invoice will have the ability to affect changes to the customer profile or invoice. The Process Transaction section also offers an additional option: Sale only. This setting only allows the user to process a sale, but not an authorization, post-authorization or refund/credit. 9d) Managing users: On the Users screen, you can edit user profiles, activate/deactivate users and delete users. You can also restore or reset a user’s password.
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